A blog to myself:
Dear self,
I call you dear, but do I really see you as such. Rather, I fell that you are bound by so many things that neglect who you are and what is best for you. By this I am not asking you to be selfish, but I am asking you to live your life in a way that will make you most effective. Why is it that all you do is a result of what you think you "should" or "should not" do. Why do you ask your friends how they are with your motivating factor being that you haven't asked them that in a while so to save yourself from coming up short you'd better do so. Why is it that if you leave dirty dishes in the sink you feel that that burden then cancells out a concern you could have shared with your roomate. Stop carrying around this ledger and living in a world of checks and ballances. Not everything needs to come out even. When you let your shortcomings define your relationship with the world around you you're not being at all progressive. You're relationships could be so much richer if you weren't motivated so much by duty. Duty is good mind you, and can bring about many positive actions, but realize that actions are driven by duty and friendships are not. Take the time to pause.