Friday, March 28, 2003

Have you ever opened you eyes in the morning and craved Cartoons? And I'm not talking about when you were five. Oh no. I'm talking about after you've reached adulthood, when the responsibility hits you and all you want to do is play in your club house with your Mr. Potato Head and Barbi Ferrari. I sat down on the couch this morning after my shower (towel still on my head) to a solid half hour (would have been longer if I had the time) of cartoons. I had no desire to brush my hair or even get dressed let alone spend the next nine hours in a professional field behind a desk. I was like the two year old child who knows that it's good to put his or her clothes on but would much rather run around in the front yard naked through the sprinker until mom calls me in for ice cream. I don't even have ice cream in my refrigerator right now.
So, I sit at the desk minding my own responsibility.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough or Double Chocolate Chunk, doesn't matter which.

Friday, March 21, 2003

I'm headed to the set with Nancy and this woman offers to drive us there. She's in an SUV and works along with the producers of the movie. There was a man in the front seat and we all began talking. I introduced myself to the man and found out his name was Jeff. He asked Nancy what it is she does and she told him that she cast the movie. I told him I was the lowly intern and Nancy corrected me by calling me the "intern Priestess" or the "intern goddess"! She never compliments! Any way, I asked Jeff what he did and where he was from and he said, "Well...I created e-bay." I rode in a car with the creater and owner of e-bay! This isn't just some actor or producer, this is someone who has changed the commerse of the world! He's transformed how we do marketing! It was so surreal! I was almost too stunned to get excited.
I went to the set again today and got to see Ray Romano, Debrah Winger, Kelly Preston, Zooey Deschnell, Jesse Bradford, Hank Azaria (Who was doing some of his Simpson Voices!), and Piper Laurie. It was really nice to see how filming on a real movie works. I love that setting and have never felt more at home in a situation than I did there. It was incredible.
I got to meet Nancy's mom who is such a dear. We bonded and I walked with her while she avoided the giant gas truck because she wanted to smoke.
I worked with an art director on an independant film in pasadena on sunday. Sarah and I worked along with this woman untill she decided she had to leave and that we should just finish. Well, I rose to the challenge and before I was done most people on the set thought I was the art director. They were asking me where they should put things and everything. It was a really good time and the first Assistant Director said he hopes we get to work together again.
The Malone Debate Team came out and I got to hang out with Nate Clifton, Des Smith....And of Course ANDREW RUDD! It was really nice to see them all.
Good night and have a nice weekend
Oh, my IM is KellVroo is anyone is ever on and wants to chat!
I used to be very anti-im, but now that I am often alone all day, I have decided to use it in moderation so that I don't feel so scared and afraid.

Thursday, March 20, 2003

I had my birthday yesterday and while it was enjoyable for me I can not shake the darkness that has touched my heart through our country's declaration of war. I have many things to share with you all concerning the past couple of days, most of which are very funny or suprising or just plain fun to tell, but today I have limited time to share and would like to process a little more of what I'm feeling. I will tell all tomorrow so be ready!
Before I go I want to thank everyone who called me for my birthday. You truly blessed me so much and if one of you hadn't called it would not have been as special. Keirsten, Aunt Sally, Grandma and Aunt Rita, Seth, Bemis, Jess, Jeff, mom and dad, Ryan, Libby, Hess and Deunke, You all blessed me so much!

Thursday, March 13, 2003

Sorry about the slight delay in the best story ever....
So Sarah and I went thrifting at this great place and all was well except for being in a tight parking spot and having to climb over garbage. Well, after our successful shopping spree, Sarah and I made our way back to the car only to discover that someone had parked next to us and blocked us in. In front of us was a building, beside us was a garbage dumpster, behind us was a cement wall and to our left was that dang car. Well, Sarah's 78 volvo (named Ethan) is by no means a small peice of metal, so I got out of the car to coach her along as she moved the car inch by inch on it's way to freedom. Ethan doesn't like to idle so he would occasionally quit running and Sarah would have to start him back up. Well, when we were only 8-10 turns away from freedom and completely blocking the entire ally, Ethan decided he had had enough and just quit. Sarah and I waited for him to cooperate. Nothing. We looked under the hood. Nothing. A number of cars started to turn down the ally, saw the road block and backed up. No one helped. There were a group of guys in the small yard of a house a block down and it took forever for one of them to stop mocking us and come to see what was wrong. Finally a guy named Dez came over and asked if we had Triple A. Sarah didn't but I did. So Dez let us come over to his yard and he brought out his phone. I called triple A and they said they couldn't track my card number because I was out of state so I had to get my number from my mom. She asked what city I was in and I said LA, but I had to question it because there's Burbank, Hollywood, Glendale...all intertwined so I asked Dez, "I'm in LA right?" Well the Triple A lady thought it was so funny that I didn't know I was in LA that I could hardly get her to talk to me she was laughing so hard. I hate Triple A. So after that confusion was worked out it was decided that I needed to call my mom to get our card number. During my conversation with my mom, a mob started gathering around the store off of melrose, about 20 yards from Dez's house. I could hardly hear my mom because of the noise and some woman was yelling, "you killed him, you killed him". Dez ran over to see what it was all about and apparently there was some confusion between the short 5'3" gay store owner and a male customer who thought the store owner was checking out his girlfriend. Well the two little me ended up getting into a fight and the gay guy beat the living day lights out of the other man. The girlfriend was in complete hysteria and her boyfriends friends were now standing outside trying to get the guy store owner to fight all of them. There were many by-standers trying to see what was going on while the man who lost the fight was laying face down on the store floor. Finally an ambulance came, but the scene never settled down while I was there. Sarah and I continued to talk to Dez while his friends washed out their scuba gear in the ally. We learned that Dez is a set dresser and has worked on such projects as "Zoolander" and the Bernie Mac Show. He was really great to let us hang out there while we waited for the Triple A man to arrive. Finally the little truck came (There's no way that thing could tow Giant Ethan) And we said our good byes to Dez and his Scuba gear friends. The little Truck driver came over to the car, hooked up the jumper cables and...nothing. I climbed back over the garbage to get to the other side of the car to have a better look. The man tried a number of things. Finally he asked Sarah if he could get into the car for a second. He then proceeded to put the car into park and Ethan started up beautifully! All Sarah had done was forget to put the car into park before starting it!!!! We began to drive away but had to stop to pull the massive amount of garbage out from under the car, and we were finally on our way!
And that's the best story ever!
As you all know, Seth, Brian and Josh came to visit last week and it was so great to see them. We went to Venice Beach, Chinese theater, A comedy show, Hollywood Blvd, and a number of different things. They guys went to see Jay Leno. I was greatly encouraged to have them around. They're such great people. If you want to hear the details about their trip you'll have to talk to them. I still had to go to work and class! My boss did give me friday off though So I was able to spend that time with them.

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

One of my best stories yet...Get ready...
My friend Sarah Adolfson and I decided to go thrifting. For those of you who are unfamiliar with that term, Thrifting is an all american tradition for the college student, in which they go to a used clothing store in search for items that are individualistic and unexpensive. Well, Sarah and I went thrifing first to a place that sold clothing from soap operas. Everything there was insanely expensive, so we went to a little store called the "Ardvark" on Melrose. The entire situation was perfect. We found a great little spot to park in the ally next to big metal garbage dumpster. I had to climb over a little bit of garbage to get out, but no big deal. We walked into the store an were thrilled with the number of trendy finds before us. Sarah is just a fun ...I've got to run, finish later

Monday, March 03, 2003

I think that my intro to Hollywood class hurt me in some ways. When I first got here we had a week long class about entering the culture of LA/Hollywood. We talked about starting our internships and how we needed to have the attitude of a servant. Our professor told us that we were just peons. Student interns are nobodies. Ok, I agreed with that so I came into this internship with a very meek attitude that wasn't myself. I think it was wise for the teacher to tell us to watch and observe so we can learn the ways of the office, but my meek approach was not ideal for my situation. Neely told me that I need to toughen up if I'll make it in this business. I wanted to tell her that I'm tougher than she thinks, but I had already shown myself as a meek person and it was hard to work my way out. Fortuantely, as time goes by I am able to show more of the real me and it feels so good.
I went to a comedy show on Friday with Katie Sams (former malone student) and a couple other people who are in LAFSC or are alumni. The comedian's name was Tawny and he was hilarious. He had a running gig in which he advertized his Tawny brand of paper products, secret ingrediants: "Benzalrazzmataz." I laughed a lot and enjoyed the company. Afterward we went to In n' Out Burger- the burger joint of everyone's choice- and talked forever. It was great to fellowship with Katie Sams who is one hundred percent genuine and better yet, we know eachother and a lot of the same people so It felt refreshing to share hearts with her. It was a blessing.
I'm doing a creative project for a class, but I needed to buy the supplies. So, my friend Steve who has a car offered to drive me. He really was kind to do so, so I paid for his lunch. While we were there, an old woman was looking around for a table so I offered her our seats. She was very touched and responded with, "Your grandmother must love you!" I told her that I also love my grandmother. It was a cute exchange and I left feeling satisfied.