Tuesday, April 22, 2003

This weekend has been amazing! My wonderful Aunts, Connie and Peggy, along with my cousin Libby came to visit. We have been running around hitting as many sights as possible! On Friday night we went to the Grove shopping Center and spent some money! Which is alwaya fun time. On Saturday we ate at Mel's Diner, walked Hollywood Blvd, went to the Getty Art Museum, China Town, and Cold Stone ice cream parlor. Sunday, Easter, we went to the Easter sunrise service at the Hollywood bowl. We then went to Santa Monica Pier and chilled on the beach. We drove up the coast through malibu and then through the mountains on Mullholland Drive. It was breath-taking. Our last stop that day was the Cheesecake Factory. Now with my aunts and cousin, things always seem to get interesting. For example. We are trying to find where to park for the Cheesecake Factory. The only thing we see is Valet, so we ask the valet where we should park if we want to do it ourselves. He told us to go around to the back, but parking there was like $2 for every 20 minutes! We drove back around and stopped to ask him again, but instead we just drove by and decided to go park in the garage. in all we drove by him 3-4 times, then finally decided to enter in the back doors so we didn't have to face him. Another interesting story : We stopped by my office so I could show them the good ol' Nancy Nayor Casting. We park on the street and run in for about 5 minutes. The associate at the office was in a really bad mood and was very harsh to me. So We leave the office to find a $45 ticket on our car for parking in the street during street cleaning time. I was in a bad mood for about an hour and half. So on Monday we went to NBC insanely early to get tickets for the Tonight Show. then went shopping at the Beverly Center before picking my friend Jeff up from the airport and returning to NBC to watch the show. Hillary Duff and Arsinio Hall were the guests. We then went to Benihana's for dinner. I will miss these girls so much when they leave tomorrow!
Today is my one year anniversary with a wonderful man named Seth. It has been one year since I first fell for him ! Happy Anniversary Seth!
I wish you all a blessed day!

Friday, April 11, 2003

This semester is coming to a close and I have more final thoughts than I care to take the time to sort out. In fact my mind is swimming with questions, excitement, responsibility, wonder, fear... I'm sure it will be a while before I am able to say with confidence, "I have it all figured out!" On second thought, that day probably never will come, and I'm ok with that. Life's a mystery right?
Good news: We have a new person in the office! My hours of sitting alone and afraid in the dark chambers of Nancy Nayor Casting are over! We've also gotten a new project to work on: A new movie starring Brinti Murphy. This will keep up busy for the next few weeks.
Aunt Connie, Aunt Peggy, and my cousin Libby are coming in a week! See you ladies soon!
I'm filming my final project tomorrow. We also shot on Wednesday night and didn't finish before midnight. It's so satisfying after a shoot, but I was exhausted. We've got a great crew and everyone is being very professional.
Gotta run, busy day!

Friday, April 04, 2003

Coincidence is refreshing and irony makes me laugh. In Faith Film and Culture we are studying about stereotypes and our discussion lead to the conclusion that if we are to change the Christian stereotype in Hollywood we have to admit that some of it is true. We have to own the damage that has been done. It's true that Christians have built a multi-billion dollar industry off of cheezy tv shows, bad movies, tel-evangelists, long fundraisers promising the impossible, etc. And if we are going to have influence, we've got to know what it is we're trying to break out of. Part of the reasons Christians are so disliked is because there has been a lot of condemnation and little love. Well, the irony comes with a package I received from Julie Bemis and Jeff Lookabaugh. They sent me a bunch of really pathetic gospel tracts put out by the publication "Chick tracts". Each tract targets a certain aspect of our culture such as crime, drugs, witch craft, sex, Catholocism, etc. But it is insanely comical because in telling a story about witchcraft, the witch always has a poster of Harry Potter on her wall. Or if it's a story about drugs, the druggie always kills someone. It's so harmful that I hope no non-Christian ever reads them. I had to show everyone when I discovered that Jeff had written on the back of one of the Chick Tracts this sentence: "Chick Tracts, spreading outdated stereotypes with fervor since 1962." The timing couldn't have been more appropriate.
In addition, my friend Eric and I presented an idea for the final project (only 6 were allowed to be produced) and ours was one of the film ideas chosen. So last night we spent a very long time brainstorming about what we wanted to see happen with the movie. We spent about an hour throwing out idea after idea and building off eachother until we had some really great stuff! But then it stopped and we hit a creative wall that could not be passed. It's ironic considering our film idea is somewhat based on writer's block.
My dad wrote me an email saying that Reed had his first soccer practice and starting crying out on the field so my dad had to go out and stand with him until he got more comfortable witht the game. Don't worry bubby, soccer is for savages.
And I'd like to give a shout out to my brother Robbie who hit an over-the-fence home run at his highschool baseball game! Way to go slugger! (like how I called you slugger? Pretty cheezy huh?